Complaints Process

Please contact AvSuper if you have any enquiries.

In most cases, enquiries can be answered over the phone. Answers to written enquiries will generally be provided within five days.

1. We work hard to help with your super, but if you have any complaints or concerns please contact us on 1300 128 751 or email or write to:

Complaints Officer,
AvSuper, PO Box 223,
Civic Square, ACT 2608

We will deal with your complaint or concerns as soon as possible within 45 days of receiving your complaint (or 90 days for a death benefit distribution complaint).

2. You may have the right to refer to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (, although they generally expect you to use AvSuper’s complaints process first. They can be contacted at no charge on 1800 931 678 or or by mail to GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3000.