Conservative Growth Option

Inception date: 1 January 2010

Current assets as at 31 March 2024: $111.0m

AvSuper’s Conservative Growth option is a pre-mixed, well-diversified investment option – that means it is invested across multiple asset or investment types.

Investment strategy

The Conservative Growth option is designed for members who are approaching retirement or who are generally risk averse, but want to maintain some growth potential.

Investment objectives

To achieve a return, after tax and fees, which exceeds Consumer Price Index (CPI) increases by at least 1.5% pa (for super members) or 2.0% (for income stream members) over rolling ten-year periods.

Asset Class Strategic allocation Range
Australian Shares 9% 0–20%
International Shares 11% 0–20%
Real Assets 10% 0–20%
Private Markets 0% 0–10%
Alternatives 10% 0–60%
Diversified Fixed Income 30% 0–60%
Cash 30% 0–60%

View a brief outline of the major asset classes AvSuper uses to diversify investments.

Investment profile

Less volatility in the short term but generally conservative returns over longer periods.

Standard Risk Measure
Risk band 3
Risk label of Low to Medium
Expected frequency of negative return in 20 years 1 to less than 2

Investment returns to 31 March 2024

Accumulation Returns (net of investment fees and taxes)

Quarter Financial year to date
2.0% 4.5%


1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years
5.9% 3.4% 3.4% 3.9%

Past performance may not be an indicator of future performance. The investment returns for the quarter and the financial year to date detailed above are real investment returns for the period shown, not annualised or ‘per annum’ returns which may differ from the numbers above.

Investment management fee

0.46%* p.a.

Deducted as part of the daily unit price calculations, and gross of tax deduction.

*For full fees please see our fees page.

Investment managers

AvSuper’s investment portfolio is managed by a carefully selected group of Investment managers and overseen by our Investment Committee. AvSuper uses a range of professional investment managers who specialise in different investment areas to invest members’ money according to specific objectives and strategies (including strategies to guard against excessive risk) set out by the AvSuper Trustee. The Trustee monitors and regularly reviews all investment managers involved with our investments.

Portfolio holdings

Your super or income stream product is made up of multiple underlying assets (called ‘holdings’). Refer to the links below to view how much of the investment option is invested in each asset.

SUPER:     Conservative Growth option (PDF) (CSV)
PENSION: Conservative Growth option (PDF) (CSV)

Investment Options

Growth Conservative Growth Stable Growth Balanced Growth Diversified Index High Growth Cash Australian Shares International Shares