Forms and Tools to Help You

Advice materials

  • Fact finder
    An easy way to provide our advisers with your financial information
  • Risk profile
    A questionnaire to help determine your risk appetite for investments

Calculate your finances

  • Defined benefit calculator
    See how your defined benefit may grow by the time you retire with this calculator. By adjusting your contribution rate and salary, you can see the impact of such changes.
  • Budget planner
    Figure out where your money is going, and where you want it to go so you can meet your goals
  • Account based pension planner
    Look at how long your super may last, and how you can influence that timeframe
  • Retirement planner
    How much income you may have when you retire, and how some changes now can impact that final amount
  • Super or mortgage?
    Find out whether it suits you to put ‘extra’ money into your super account or towards paying off your mortgage

AvSuper forms

AvSuper Income Stream related forms

For information about the transfer of AvSuper members to the Australian Retirement Fund, see

Note: Some of the above calculators are on the Government’s Money Smart website and AvSuper takes no responsibility for the accuracy of those calculators for your personal situation nor the security of that website. Please read all calculator assumptions and assess their relevance to you. We recommend that calculators are used purely as a guide and that professional financial advice is sought before making any financial decisions.