Growth (MySuper) Dashboard

The following information is provided to help members compare AvSuper’s Growth (MySuper) investment option with other funds’ MySuper products. This information has been calculated for a representative member with an account balance of $50,000 at 30 June 2023.

Return target

Return target for 2023-2032 is 3.18% per year above the consumer price index (CPI) after fees and taxes.


Ten year annualised return of 7.5% as at 30 June 2023 (Net of fees and taxes).

Comparison between returns and returns targets

10 years to 30 June 2023
Investment returns as at 30 June each year. Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.

Level of investment risk

High risk

A negative return is expected in 4 to 6 out of every 20 years.  The higher the expected return target, the more often you would expect a year of negative returns.

Statement of Fees and costs

$576.75 per year

Fees and other costs for a member with a $50,000 balance.

For more details about our Growth (MySuper) investment option, please refer to our PDS

Glossary of terms

Return: Return represents the ‘net return of a representative member’. The ‘net return of a representative member’ is the net investment return of a representative member minus administration fees, costs and taxes of a representative member and minus advice fees, costs and taxes of a representative member. A ‘representative member’ is a member who is fully invested in the Growth (MySuper) investment option, who doesn’t incur any activity fees during a year and who has an account balance of $50,000 throughout that year. It excludes investment gains/losses on the $50,000 balance.

Return target: Return target represents the mean annualised estimate of the percentage rate of net return of a representative member that exceeds the growth in the CPI over 10 years.

Statement of fees and other costs: Statement of fees and other costs is the sum of fees and costs calculated in accordance with the APRA Product Dashboard Reporting Standard for the year ending 30 June 2023 for a representative member. A ‘representative member’ is a member who is fully invested in the Growth (MySuper) investment option, who does not incur any activity fees during a year and who has an account balance of $50,000 throughout that year. It excludes investment gains/losses on the $50,000 balance.

Standard risk measure: The standard risk measure disclosed for each investment options is calculated on the basis of the strategic asset allocation for that investment option. It represents the Trustee’s calculation of the standard risk measure for that option over a 20-year period.

Comparison between return target and return: Comparison between return target and return is represented in the graph on the Growth (MySuper) option Product Dashboard where:

• the columns in the graph represent the return for each of the last 10 whole financial years
• the green line in the graph represents the moving average return target for the last 10 whole financial years
• the red line in the graph represents the moving average return for the last 10 whole financial years.

Each of the above components are calculated in accordance with the APRA Product dashboard reporting standard.